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As previously mentioned, Day 1 revolves around three girls which we plan to show roaming around West London, during the Christmas period. As part of location scouting, Amid, Trenay and I had visited the locations on recurring days to see which day was the least crowded, as it was a festive time of the year, and our locations were tourist heavy. We did this, because crowds are harder to film in, especially for continuity reasons, and so we discovered that a Monday was the best day for us to carry out the Day 1 shoot. Morning being the best time, but then day, and evening being more manageable than the weekend, which we also visited the locations at.


Below is the latter section from the overall shoot plan based on the use of locations, with ideas for how places can be linked to the narrative. There are five bullet points that indicate a masked guy appearance based on a location, and was decided after the various days of location scouting. The reasons why these locations were chosen are as follows: The Southbank Roof location, actually a terrace on the National Theatre, was chosen as it has a large block, with a pre-existing projection on it, and Amid, Trenay and I thought that for this scene we could film the roof, and insert a masked guy projection onto it in post-production, making it a very effective way for the girls to see the appearance of these menacing beings. Test shots showing the location and how we plan to use it, can be seen later in this page. Hence where it says casting for masked guys in the photo above, we decided only to have Amid and Trenay for this, as I will be manning the camera for some of these shots, and it reduces the number of people that will be at the shoot with us, hopefully making it more efficient.

























































































We also plan to film one time-lapse of Danella, the main cast member, wearing a mask, for the ending of the music video, which we feel that would be most appropriate on Waterloo Bridge. In addition, we also plan to film three extreme wide shots of the girls running across the screen, which we want to film at different times of the day, during the Day 1 shoot, to allow for the passing of time, done in a way different to how we will be using time lapses for our video.



Below is a Vodcast where Amid, Trenay and I explain our choices for the locations that we visited and scouted for the Day 1 shoot of our music video.
































Below are the 400 photos that we took of various locations from around London, from London Bridge up until West London, including: Chinatown, Covent Garden, Southbank, Waterloo, etc. These images were taken at various times of the day, due to our recurring visits, and they also show various landmarks, and how they can be used within our music video. One of the themes that we strived to find in locations was Christmas, and how we could use places to highlight that. These 400 photos are shown in 45 different slides, with 9 photos per slide, which can be navigated through using the directional arrows in the gallery below. A photo can be expanded by clicking on it:









































Below is a test shot video I filmed on my phone, of a location near to London Bridge, which we filmed during location scouting:
































Below this, is a test shot video, again filmed on my phone, of the ‘Southbank Roof’ or National Theatre terrace which I mentioned earlier on in this page.
































Additionally, below is a longer video that I also filmed on my phone, of test shots of this same location, in which I explain a bit more on Amid’s and my plans for character positioning, and the series of shots that we could capture on the day.
































I feel that location scouting for this shoot has been very effective as we have taken heaps of photos, and have not only found and visited key locations, but have also been able to generate ideas about how we wish to use them, and how we could creatively show the masked entities appearing, troubling the girls. During location scouting, we also considered travelling times, as the entire Day 1 shoot was to be filmed in one day. This meant that we scouted locations that were close to each other, and prioritised for them to be walking distance apart, so that we could quickly move from location to location during the shoot. Through location scouting, we managed to find the most efficient routes from one location to another, as seen below, in the screenshot of the GPS trail of one of our days that we went scouting. With all of this in mind, we are constantly planning for efficiency, as we plan to film a lot in a short space of time, and therefore cannot waste time in unnecessary movement. With all of this in mind, I am looking forward to the shoot, as it will be the first time I use some of these locations, and for others, I will be returning to familiar filming grounds, allowing me to further develop my skills, as well as the rest of the crew.




























The next location we thought that we could have a masked guy appearance was on a land pier-type of structure, also on Southbank. We thought this was effective as it was close to the river, and can highlight that the girls are wondering around sightseeing. A photo from our location scouting on the left shows this location. The third location where we plan to film a masked guy appearance is in Chinatown, as we feel that Chinatown has a dark and gritty feel to it, which we believe works well with the masked guys, and random appearances. A test photo we took of where we desire to film in Chinatown can be seen in the photo on the right.

The fourth location we plan to have a masked guy appearance is on this pathway called Cecil Court, not too far from Trafalgar Square, and we thought that it would be effective, as it has a series of local authentic stores on either side of the pathway. And, during location scouting, we found that one of these stores was beautiful lit up with a purple light, which gave us the idea of using the reflection of the masked guy in the store, being a new way for an appearance. A photo from the location scouting of this location can be seen in the photo to the left. The final location where we plan to have a masked guy appearance for the Day 1 shoot is Covent Garden. This is because out of all the locations, this feels the most Christmassy, and we had the idea of the girls using their phone to take a Selfie, and then when they sit down to look at it, the masked guy is randomly in the photo with them, and when they look back at the phone, he disappears, being yet another varied way for the appearance of this entity. A photo of Covent Garden from our location scouting can be seen to the right.

Other than the masked guy appearances, we also plan to film the ATM introduction scene, which we wish to use as the catalyst to start the music track, which we plan to use Jubilee Gardens for, as there is an ATM machine present there, and it is close to our other locations. Two photos of this can be seen to the left.  

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