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Branding and having an original style is important for the success of an artist or a band, especially if present through their music videos. With this in mind it is important for ATM to come together and for us to decide on how we can create our own brand, feature current and known brands, as well as develop our own style, in terms of props and costume that we can have within our music video, as well as our own style with a technical element, such as editing.

One of the key elements of branding we plan to incorporate into our music video is specific dances that are common in Dance and House music videos, and dances that people usually partake  in  when  listening  to  such













audience to be able to relate to our chosen genre, and understand why we included dancing into the video. With dancing in House and Dance music videos, it is most common to see guys and girls wearing either Converses or Nike Air Maxes, meaning that we will try to include this branding in our music video, to support the power of the dances that would be shown on-screen.


Another style and branding feature that we hope to incorporate into our music video is the thought behind the costumes for both the girls that we plan to show outside having fun and the masked guys,  who  would  be  randomly appearing.  We  plan  for  the  girls  to  be  wearing  trendy













creates a unique style, which is not present in a lot of music videos out there. In addition we are planning for the masked guys to have dark clothing items on, to aid with the hiding of their identity, supporting that they are almost ghosts, and only seen when they want to be.

music. One of the most notable dances is the Charleston, Shuffling or Cutting Shapes. Each one very similar, but may vary on footwork, depending on the era that it was most popular in. By including dance elements, such as this one, we would be conforming to a lot of House and Dance music  videos,  allowing  our 


clothing items, however also wrapped up warm, as we will be having a winter shoot, meaning that it will be cold outside. This eliminates the summer clothing that is common in House and Dance  music  videos,  and

A style that we feel we could have within our music video is the use of the ATM logo, which is an emoji icon, that can be downloaded with a range of other icons, found on many smartphones, and used a lot in instant messaging, particularly with young people. This logo could be present in our music video, as inspired from Clean Bandit’s ‘Rather Be’ music video, and I feel that it would aid with the paranoia element we want to create with the appearances and disappearances of the masked entities. The logo could also be superimposed in various shots, making them like Easter Eggs, and something that the audience would have to hunt for in order to find, adding a fun and interactive element, as a pose to watching the music video.

Another style that we wish to have in our music video, which I feel is not very common in House and Dance music videos, is the use of Time Lapses. Time Lapses are one of the most beautiful ways of showing the passing of time, and are more common in films, rather than music videos. I believe that the use of Time Lapses will make our music video have a greater originality, thus may be a possible signature element for ‘our’ artist or band, which would be present in our music videos, if we were to make more after this project.

One style that will be different in our music video, compared to a lot of House and Dance music videos out there, is that we will be filming around the time of Christmas, whereas most other music videos of this genre are set in summer or fall. Summer is a season that works really well with the ‘Forever Young’ element present in a lot of Dance and House music video. The fact that we will be filming in winter creates an interesting concept, which could allow us to explore how we would show the ‘Forever Young’ element, without the use of the sun high in the sky, and the beach beneath our actor’s feet, and instead the cold wintery breeze, and the green Christmas trees.

Ultimately, I believe that all these elements will help for us to build our own original style, through using, building upon and challenging existing conventions within music videos that fall within the same genre. Additionally, a lot of the elements mentioned will allow us to play with our creativity, and try out slightly different or unconventional actions for our actors or even shots that we use. Without a unique style and the use of creating a brand, or showcasing known brands, I feel that the music video would not be as good as it could be, and with these elements in place ‘our’ artist or band will be marketed in a really effective fashion, otherwise not possible.

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