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Transcript: “So in this answer for this evaluation question, I am going to use Voki throughout it and place the transcript of the audio next to the embed or link of the avatar. I will be answering, question 3, which is: ‘What have you learned from the audience feedback?’ And for this, I have split it into three sections, where I talk about the three surveys that we sent out, social media, as well as the feedback that we received through emails.” For some reason the embedded version of Voki doesn't work, so click on the still image of the avatar, or on the link below it, to take you to the website where the audio file can be heard."


Transcript: “This was this first survey that we conducted prior to planning or shooting our music video. This survey was regarding our band name and it asked, ‘Out of all the following band names, select one that you feel appeals to the dance and house music genre the most?’ So, this was our most answered survey, we got 70 respondents. And, of course the answer they selected the most was ATM (Any Thing Moves), which was selected six times. In second place we had Binge, Overflow, Endless Flow and Routemaster, all selected 5 to 4 times. And then, we just keep on going down the list where the names get less and less selected until the bottom, where there are quite a few that weren't even selected. So from this, we learnt that ATM was the most popular with our audience. And, that is the band name that we went with for our music video, and our branding. So, I thought that the survey has been very effective in this sense."

Transcript: “The second survey that we sent out was prior to planning and the shoot as well, which was kind of in the stages where we were developing our initial planning ideas. And so, we sent out this survey to see what our audience felt about the genre of house and dance and how we can work our music video around this. So, the first question asked, ‘If you are male or female?’ We got 22 males and 14 females. So, slightly more males than females, but pretty well balanced out either way. ‘For how old are you?’, the second question, we got the majority of 17 year olds, selected 16 times, eleven 16 year olds and six times of selecting 18 year olds, we also have three respondents selecting 41+. So, from this I can say that this is half reliable and half not because, it does not fully meet our target audience, as our target audience was meant for the ages of 13 to around the mid 20s.”

Transcript: “Question three asked, ‘What is your favourite genre of music?’ And for this the most selected was ‘RnB’, with ‘pop’ selected six times after that, with ‘rap’ also selected six times. ‘House’ was only selected three times, and ‘dance’ selected once, so half promising there, but not too sure about our audience, if they actually are really into our genre. Question four asked, ‘How often do you listen to house and dance music?’ And, we got nine who selected ‘sometimes’ and ‘often’, and seven selected ‘always’, which are pretty good responses. We had seven and four that selected ‘rarely’ and ‘never’. So, I think that the majority of our audience will actually listen to House music sometimes, but not as common as other people. Question five asked, ‘What platforms do you usually watch house and dance music videos on?’ And the most selected was ‘YouTube’, selected 25 times, and this kind of goes to show that we should be uploading our music video to YouTube, as a pose to anything else."

Transcript: “Question six asked our audience, ‘if they are more likely to buy or download a song after watching its music video?’ 19 people said ‘no’ and 17 people say ‘yes’, so this is almost half balanced. It's quite shocking that loads of people won't, it's also quite surprising that loads of people will, I mean I am more likely to buy music after watching a music video, if the music video is good. Question seven asked people about, ‘how they hear about new music videos?’ And, ‘YouTube ads and suggestions’ was selected the most, with 22 selections. And, the second most selected was ‘word of mouth’. So these are good ways that we can't really market our music video in, but if it was published with a company’s backing out there, these are two ways that it would get around. Social media such as ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ were also selected quite a lot.”

Transcript: “Question eight asked, ‘which of the following elements do you expect to see in a dance or house music video?’ ‘Dancing’, was obviously selected the most, with 17 selections, and the least selected was ‘slow motion’, which kind of goes with our video because we don't use slow motion that much. It's strange that people don't expect slow motion, as from looking at loads of dance and house music videos, slow motion is one of the key elements that you can see. ‘Fast paced editing’ and ‘song drops’ were actually selected quite a lot, as well as ‘out of the ordinary concepts’, which I feel that we did manage to meet in our music video. Question nine asked, ‘what do you think of the element of paranoia in a house and dance music videos?’ And so, most people selected ‘might work and might not’, which was selected 14 times, and the rest was slightly positive. However, three people said they ‘hated it’, and five people said ‘not a good idea’. I kind of like how our audience were 50-50 on this, because it is something that we wanted to explore in our music video, and which we did end up doing.”

Transcript: “Question 10, the last question in our survey asked, if there are any elements techniques or styles that people would like to see in our music video, and we stated how any idea would be good and how we would like to incorporate it into our music video. Some of these answers were quite inappropriate, or we can't really use some, but there were also some good answers. One person said that they think it ‘should be colourful’, so I thought that we did actually have a lot of colour in our music video. ‘A story through dance’, there was dance coming towards the end of our music video, which did tell the story of Danella conforming to join the masked guys. ‘A motif throughout the video’, you could say there is a motif, I guess. ‘Parkour’ was also a suggestion; we didn't have any Parkour in our music video. Another person said, ‘having a story is generally good rather than having random scenes, and a music video with a deep meaning behind it that people could think about and relate to’, in which I feel that we did also include. One person said, ‘a natural landscape’, we didn't put a natural landscape, but we did have an urban landscape in our video. And so yeah, people just said stuff like having the ‘artist and band performing’, which we did also include.”

Transcript: “This is the third survey that we sent out, which was collecting feedback, based on our music video, after people had watched it. The first question asked, ‘if you are male or female?’ And, we had more females, 19 females, and 15 males, so this was a nice balance and kind of the opposite from our previous survey, in which we had more males. The second question asked, ‘what age category do you fit into?’ ‘17’ was the most selected, selected 12 times, with ‘16’ selected four times, and ‘31’ through ‘35’ were also select four times, but as you can see from the results, there is a big range of different age groups.”

Transcript: “Question three asked, ‘how would you summarise our music video in three words?’ And, we got really good comments, most words were like: fun, original, intriguing, energetic, creative, London, different, visual, energetic, engaging, momentum, dynamic, compelling, intriguing, professional, fun, charismatic, successful, urban, energetic, youthful, imaginative, flawless, incredible, amazing, talent, successful, an amazing tune, creative and imaginative, professional, creative, interesting, much amazes wow, amazing, Great quality, real, love effects, cinematography, edited fantastically, 'proper banging like', funny, funny, gorgeous, live, interesting, and awesome, brilliant and entertaining, oh my god, creative, brilliant, astonishing, this is superb, amazing professional concept, very well edited, great, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, good, nice, good, creative, very enjoyable to watch, amazing creative fun, brilliant, exceptional, and excellent, dance. Masks, sunset, really bloody good, energetic, creative, and magical, which I believe just speaks for itself, really.”

Transcript: “My next question was question four, and it asked about the phrases below, and what people thought link to closest to our music video. The most selected was, ‘the gaining of a new identity, through losing one’, which was selected 25 times, and this is probably what I would interpret that our own video has as well. Yeah, I feel that the Danella and Shantelle tried to gain this new identity, Danella succeeds in gaining it, but in the process of becoming this masked guy, she loses her identity which she already had. ‘Two girls aspiring to be someone greater than they are’, was selected three times, ‘raising awareness of stalkers in London’ was selected once, and ‘capturing the essence of youth and contemporary culture’ was selected five times, so I think that one, and ‘the gaining of a new identity’ works really well with our music video.”

Transcript: “Question five then asked, ‘if you are more likely to buy or download the song after watching our music video?’ A lot of people said ‘yes’, actually, 25 people said ‘yes’, and only 9 people said ‘no’. And, this is much better compared to our first survey, where we asked if people would buy music after watching a music video, where more of them said ‘no’. However, after watching our music video, it looks like more people are intrigued to buy the track, as you know, 73% of people did say ‘yes’, which is quite a lot. Question six then asked, ‘which of the following elements do you think were strong in our music video?’ A lot were really selected, ‘editing’ was selected the highest, selected 30 times, and ‘creativity’ was the second most selected at 26, and ‘cinematography’, the third most at 24. I personally feel that these were very strong points of our music video, and you know I think the audience agrees with this. A lot of the other concepts that we tried to get across, were also selected quite a few times, so I think this has been very successful.”

Transcript: “Question seven asked, ‘what was your favourite element from our music video?’ We got a range of stuff placed in, such as ‘creativity’, ‘the white masks’, ‘the lighting’, the dancing, ‘creativity’ again, ‘performance’, ‘use of time lapses’, and ‘Danella’, was one of the options. Yes, so people really liked it, there are particular elements that people enjoyed over others, but all really positive. And, I'll say yeah that's fine. Question eight asked, ‘if this music video reminds people of other music videos?’ And, the majority of people answered ‘no’, 79% said ‘no’, which was selected to 27 times. However, seven people did select ‘yes’, and so we asked them to specify which music videos, we got ‘Clean Bandit - Real Love’, ‘Rather Be’, ‘Toulouse by Nicky Romero’, and similar music videos, that I can see a clear link in. So, from this, we learnt that our music video is not very similar to others out there.”

Transcript: “In question nine we asked, ‘if there was anything that people disliked’, to see if we can get some negative feedback. Loads of people said, ‘no’, one person said, ‘maybe a more thought-provoking narrative’, one person said, ‘the song could've been a bit more better’, one person said, ‘more sunny weather please’, well I wish I was God, I can't really control that, and it was Christmas time as well. ‘A more coherent narrative’, I kind of do agree with that statement, because I do feel that we could have developed our story a bit more. Another person said that, ‘the white masks were a bit cliché’, which I kind of do agree with, but it is the only best way we could have thought of, to be able to hide identity, like we did. Question 10 just asked about any further feedback, and it kind of really goes with everything else I have previously said. So, all in all, I think our music video is very successful, and from the feedback that we can see, what we tried to achieve, we were able to do so.”

Transcript: “In order to get the most variety of audience feedback that we could, we decided to use social media as one of our ways of sharing our video, and getting feedback, and so, in this Voki audio file, I talk about Facebook. So, we shared it on the B.O.T. page initially, you know, we are acting as if it's our label. So, we got one like there, not really much. But, I shared it on my own timeline, and got about 9 to 10 likes, with one comment saying that, ‘this tune is a 'Banger', and that it has a hard body the beat’,  so that's more commenting on the music, rather than the music video. But, we also posted it to Lucas & Steve's page, and we got feedback from them, and they said, "Thank you very much! Love it!" So, that means that they loved our music video, and really that's like the best feedback, in itself. There's not really much more that we can say, other than the fact that the people who made the remix to the track loved the video, which really puts us in a strong position, I feel.”

Transcript: “Another piece of social media that we used to share our video around, was Instagram, and so I created the 15 second trailer that you can see below. So, this kind of worked to try to entice people to watch the full video. So, this trailer on Instagram got 37 likes, which is not too bad, and we got a couple of comments, like one guy said, 'Love it bro'. Then a friend, she said, ‘it's really good xx’. Berkay, he said, ‘Damn Man your skills are fire,’ and then he mentions a location that he also used for his AS portfolio. And, so yeah, we just got a couple of comments there, which go towards saying that people really liked our music video. And, I think that the trailer is a nice snappy way of marketing, by the fact that the trailer stops before the song drops, like forcing people to actually have to watch the YouTube version, otherwise they may feel that they are missing out.”

Transcript: “Another form through which we got some feedback from was, through the actual YouTube video page itself. So, the views around the time when I did this, where just over 800, looking at 807, and counting, which is really cool because we've only had the music video out for a month now, and without much marketing, as we were just sharing it to our friends, and not sharing it to like a really big audience. So, to get that many views is pretty cool. We also got 41 likes and zero dislikes, which I think really goes to show that people have really enjoyed our music video. With that, we got a couple of comments; we got a comment from Billie who says, ‘Really Good Guys!’ Some guy called K9 commander said, ‘Very cool, Very nice, I like it’. Again we also have people commenting on the song, saying they ‘like the beat, this is one of those feel good records’, not too bad, I guess. So, the comments are generally really good, suggesting that people really enjoyed our music video.”

Transcript: “Another way, in which we shared our music video around, was Twitter. So, I also posted this onto our B.O.T. Twitter account, which was cool. And, I posted it onto my Twitter, and we didn't really get much response from this, I only got one retweet and one favourite, from two different people. So, it's not a very strong reception, probably due to the fact that I don't really use Twitter that much and I haven't got like a huge following on it. But, overall, through all of these different social media sites, I feel that we have really strong and positive feedback for our music video, which is good, you know, really cool. We don't really have any negative stuff, so it was all down to the surveys, to tell us about what we could improve.”

Transcript: “Another method that we were able to get feedback for music video, was when we asked our media teacher to send the link to our music video to all of the staff. So, we got one email saying, ‘wow I am seriously impressed, awesome so professional, Great job!’ So, that's some more positive feedback there. And we also got one saying, ‘Brilliant Video’, and so yeah, the teacher comments go hand-in-hand with really all the stuff we got from social media and the positive stuff that we got from our survey, again pushing forward that it was a very successful music video.”

Transcript: “Alongside getting emails from staff through emails, we also got some feedback from students through emails. We got one comment saying, ‘This is really good keep it up!’ Andrew saying, ‘Wonderful video, well done!’ And, Pamo saying, ‘Ayy the videos live still.’ So, really good, again really good, positive comments, that just show that all of the hard work was really worth it, I guess.”

Transcript: “Quite awesomely! Our media teacher was able to send our link to a person who works in Saatchi and Saatchi, in Shanghai, and they gave us like really detailed, and really good feedback. I mean, this is going to be shown below, but the main points that they said for us to improve were, we can focus on depth, emotion, mood, and our narrative more. And, so they told us what they liked, and what we could improve, in a lot of detail, which is really cool. I mean, I'm going to take this forward to every video project that I work on, and every music video that I do, in future, because it's so good. And, from a professional standpoint, this is one of the biggest advertising agencies, so the guy really knows what he's talking about, and that's really cool. So this feedback is probably the most helpful I think.”

Transcript: “I feel that some of the success could also link with some theorists. Andrew Goodwin's theory of lyricsrelating to the music video, is something that we can see through our music video, like 'everybody wants to besomebody', so this process of gaining a new identity, while losing one. Michael Wesch, and him saying YouTube, as a cultural phenomenon, so that's something that we got a lots of views from, which I don't think we would've got from other sites. And all in all, I'm really happy with our feedback, and I've learnt a lot about how to improve in the future, as well as what was really good about this music video. Yeah and really, Chris Anderson: The Internet and distribution possibilities of capitalism the long tail, is something that I believe will happen with our music video. It will gain views over time, in my opinion, and then become even bigger!”

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