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The contingency scene revolves around the two girls, Danella and Shantelle, entering a narrow pathway, and running, as they are now freaked out about the masked guys. A masked guy then appears, and grabs Shantelle, as her exit for the music video. Danella is planned to away, without attempting to engage in conflict with the masked guy, almost as if she hasn’t noticed.


Below is the latter section from the overall shoot plan, based on the use of an enclosed or narrow alleyway location. We decided to find a location with a narrow feel to it, to aid with the narrative, in creating a theme of the girls being trapped, and in the case of Shantelle, not having a way out. Narrow spaces also create a theme of danger, which works well with our planned narrative, suggesting that the girls are out on their own, without anyone else to help them.


Below is a Vodcast where Amid, Trenay and I explain our choices for the locations that we searched for, for this shoot of our music video.

Below are 18 photos that we took of various enclosed pathways and alleyways, located close to where we live, in which we will consider which one we want to use to film this scene. The photos can be navigated through using the directional arrows in the gallery below. A photo can be expanded by clicking on it:

I feel that location scouting for this shoot has been very effective as we have been able to feel strongly about the location that we want to use. Additionally, the location we wish to film in is located near us, and both cast members, making it an ideal shoot, as we can eliminate the need for transportation.

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