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White Masks – The white masks will be worn by the masked guy who will be grabbing Shantelle, and pulling her away from Danella. The masks are also planned to be worn by the girls towards the end of the shoot, to signify that they have joined the masked guys. This is a very important prop, as it is vital for telling our story, and without it, there is not much we will be able to do, in terms of showing entities being mischievous, without an identity.

L.E.D Gloves – We used L.E.D lit up gloves in our first shoot and second shoot for the masked guy appearances, as it helped to illuminate them, and supported the idea that the masked guy has magical capabilities. We also plan for our masked guy for this shoot to be wearing these gloves, to bring attention to his hands, as he is planned to grab Shantelle by her shoulders.

White Gloves – We may use the standard white gloves, either as an alternative to the L.E.D Gloves, for any reason, should an issue with them arise during the shoot. Additionally, we will bring them in case we feel that either of the girls should wear them at any point, during the shoot.

Like for the previous two shoots, props have played, and will continue to play a vital role in the storytelling of our music video. The contingency scene solely consists of Danella and Shantelle running through a narrow path, and then a masked guy appearing out of nowhere, and taking Shantelle from Danella, with Danella not looking back, and continuing to run away. Props can also help to create a theme, or give something the characters to do, rather than just being in a location and doing nothing. The major props will be included into the storyboards, which will highlight when it will be needed, during the shoot. Below is the prop section of the overall shoot plan for the contingency scene, which shows all the props that we plan to use for this shoot.

These props will aid with the storytelling of our music video quite significantly, and will not be a problem to get to location, as they can easily fit into my camera bag. The most important prop is again the white mask, as it is required for the message we plan to get across to the audience. The other props will be used according to each scene of the dance off in this shoot of our music video.

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© 2014-2015 --- Mark Allan Kamara --- A2 Media Coursework

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