As this is the performance element of the music video, Shantelle will not need to attend the shoot, as she plays Danella’s friend in the music video, thus is not a member of the band. This shoot focuses on the ATM band all performing with Danella as the lead vocalist. The four scenes are all slightly different, in the sense that each of us will be able to have some character development, increasing the effectiveness of the entire music video. The main reasons for casting Danella, shown in the photo below, is that she does have some sort of Dance experience, and was really good in the Day 2 shoot. Additionally, Danella can sing, as does Music Performance as one of her A levels, making this shoot a walk in the park for her.
Furthermore, as expressed in the earlier shoots, Danella fits into the ‘Forever Young’ element that we are going for in our music video, through her actually being our age and also being independent woman. Danella also has a trendy fashion sense, which has been positively portrayed in the previous shoots, and will again be useful for our music video.

Danella fits the young and trendy vibe that we are looking for in our music video. She also sings, and can dance. This means that she should have some confidence in front of a camera, as well as being able to dance for the required dancing scenes. Danella will be the main character for our music video, playing herself, as an artist, which we will be featuring in the track that we are using. Danella has been amazing to work with in the previous shoots, and I believe that she will be able to shine in this last shoot.

As mentioned earlier, we will be casting ourselves in this shoot. This means that we should aim to film with the runners we had from the Day 2 shoot, as we could ask them to film certain shots, if Amid, Trenay and I are planned to all be in the same shot. This element creates the sensation of us being a band, and also the production company or crew for our own music video.

Amid has been planned to dance in this shoot, as well as use the control pads for some of the scenes. Amid’s dancing skills will be incredibly useful for this. Amid has appeared as the lead masked guy in the dance off shoot, and will have some signs through costume, that may purposely hint to the audience that it was him all along.
I plan to be playing the Piano in this shoot, which is heard in some the segments of the song that we wish to place the performance hall scenes over, once filmed. This is something that I am really looking forward to, as I feel it is an awesome way to bring us all together for the last shoot. Also, this is one of my only appearances in the music video, making me even more excited.
Trenay is planned to be playing the electric drums throughout the entire shoot. Trenay has useful drumming skills which will be beneficial for this element of the shoot. Trenay is also looking forward to this shoot, as he has held some practice sessions with me so that we can both be totally ready for the last shoot.
Mark (Me)
Below is a Vodcast where Amid, Trenay and I discuss our casting decisions.

Below this is the costume section from the overall shoot plan. This shows the clothing items that we plan for Danella wear for the shoot, as well as what we plan for ourselves to wear. Danella’s outfit for this shoot is planned to be different from the other shoots, as the performance hall scene is effectively excluded from the continuity that we have to follow in the narrative based scenes. However, due to the fact that we attend the same sixth form, we know that her fashion sense is already exactly what we picture for our shoot, and have therefore been lenient with what we are asking her to wear.
Below is a Vodcast where we talk about our plan for the use of costume for this shoot.
Below are the two moodboards from my moodboard page, which hold some images, related to what we are trying to go for, in terms of our planned costume, for Danella, and some images related to the themes we wish to create through the performance.
With all of this planned, I feel that we are developing our Star Image, as Danella is planned to wear quite trendy clothing. Danella’s makeup, will again be at her discretion, and is not a major factor for the shoot. I also believe that the fact that we are giving Danella the freedom to choose what she wants to wear, will contribute to the originality and creativity of her outfit, when it comes to the shoot. I believe that we have become a lot closer with Danella, from all the previous shoots, and so I feel that she will continue to be comfortable working around us, as well as our intensive filming ethic.