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Once again, props play a vital role in our music video. Day 2 consists of the masked guys encountering the two girls, with a dance off between the two groups, and so we will definitely need white masks for this. Props can also help to create a theme, or give something the characters to do, rather than just being in a location, doing nothing. The major props will be included into the storyboards, which will highlight when it will be needed, during the shoot. Below is the prop section of the overall shoot plan, which shows all the props that we plan to use for this shoot.

White Masks – The white masks will be worn by the masked guys who will be surrounding the girls at first, and then having a dance battle with them. The masks are also planned to be worn by the girls towards the end of the shoot, to signify that they have joined the masked guys. This is a very important prop, as it is vital for telling our story, and without it, there is not much we will be able to do, in terms of showing entities appearing and fighting, without an identity.

White Gloves for Masked Guys – The white gloves aid the masked guys in hiding their identity within the music video. White gloves are also commonly linked to magic, and this is an element which the masked guys could be described to have, as we plan for them to surround the girls, and possibly teleport in front of them, from place to place. We used L.E.D lit up gloves in our first shoot for the masked guy appearances, as it helped to illuminate them, and supported the idea that the masked guy has magical capabilities. We plan to have the main masked guy in this shoot to be the one wearing the L.E.D. gloves, while the other masked guys will be wearing standard white gloves.

Sparklers – Since we didn’t manage to use the sparklers in the first shoot, as we didn’t want to cause an inconvenience to the public, or have more issues with authority, we thought that this shoot would be ideal for us to use them. The sparklers have been included in the shot list of scene 3, and are to be used by the cast who are surrounding the dancer freestyling in the middle. This creates an effect of showing everybody’s energy, and that they are still being free at the same time.

Boombox – The Boombox will be present on the car park roof during the dance off scene, indicating to the audience that music is not just coming out of thin air, and that the masked guys have set all of this up. The Boombox is a prop associated to Dance and House music, as this was major fashion in the 90’s. The Boombox will also feature our band logo on it, being another way that we are implementing our branding and style through the music video.

These props will aid with the storytelling of our music video, and can all be packed into a duffel bag, to be carried to the car park roof, for use during the shoot. The most important prop will be the white mask, as the cast playing the five masked guys will need to wear it pretty much at all times. The other props will be used according to each scene of the dance off in this shoot of our music video.

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