At this point we have now filmed Day 1 and Day 2 of our music video, which I believe have both gone really well. The previous shoot we did was the Day 2 shoot, where the production page for this can be found by clicking here. Day 1 was set before Christmas, as we required the scenery to be Christmassy, however Day 2 was filmed in February, and so this shoot can be filmed at any time, as it doesn’t hold any giveaways for the audience that it is not Christmas time. Like previously discussed, we have decided to split our music video into three shoots, on three different days, with the addition of this shoot, the contingency scene. This shoot is a transition for the narrative element of our music video, which acts as Shantelle’s exit for the music video, so that the Day 2 shoot makes sense to the audience.
I have created a music video breakdown plan, using our chosen music track, which has aided us in the Day 1, and Day 2 shoot. However, it isn’t of much use for this shoot, as the Contingency scene footage can be placed anywhere, during the edit, depending on where Day one’s footage ends, and Day two’s begins.
Like for all the earlier shoots, I have created a planning notes page, which can be seen below, regarding what we need to cover for this shoot. It begins by listing all the props that we may be using, and then has notes on the costumes for each cast member or character. This is followed by a list of the shots we plan to film for this shoot. Just like the previous two shoots, this notes page was filled out by me as we progressed through our planning stages for each shoot, which I felt allowed us to entirely concentrate in planning for a single shoot as effectively as we can.

Below this are two photos, of initial ideas that I noted down, and drew, in preparation for the storyboards and shot list:

Based on the planning that we did for all the previous two shoots, and the amazing outcome of what we had filmed, I feel that it was a good idea to plan for one shoot at a time, again through creating detailed shot lists, and storyboards to compliment this, allowing for the filming process to be as smooth as it can be. Moreover, we are now able to reflect on the two of previous shoots and think about what went well, and what we feel that we could improve for this shoot. In the Day 1 shot we were lucky to have a runner, and three in the Day 2 shoot. However, we will not be needed runners for this shoot, as it is very short, and doesn’t require a bigger crew.