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At this point we have now had our first shoot, which I believe went really well. The production page for Day 1 can be found by clicking here. Day 1 was set before Christmas, as we required the scenery to be Christmassy, however Day 2 can be filmed at any time this winter, as it doesn’t have any giveaways that it is not Christmas time. Like previously discussed, we have decided to split our music video into three shoots, on three different days. This shoot is a continuation of the narrative aspect of the music video from the Day 1 shoot, and we plan to have the girls running from being afraid of the masked guys, to them ending up on this open space. Slowly, masked guys are planned to surround them, forcing them to have a conflict, but in the form of a dance off. The dance off then becomes a freestyle session, where we aim to film the girls putting masks on, symbolising that they have joined the masked guys, and are now a part of them. The photo below shows the various elements that we will have to film for our music video, as well as what we have filmed (red), and what we will be filming for this shoot (blue).

Below is the breakdown of the planned music video that I have put together to aid with the organisation of the separate shoots. I have used project markers and timers to plan how I and my group will separate the different elements of our music video that we will be filming. The footage for this shoot is planned to go from 2:11 in the reference video, up until just before the end, where a time lapse we filmed in the Day 1 shoot will go. The titles relate to the girls entering the dance off location, and things escalating, up to the actual dance off, as the song builds up, and then drops. From the reference video, and how we plan to use the track, it is clear that this scene will last for a lengthy chunk of the music video.

Below this stretch of text is the planning notes page that I have put together, regarding what we need to cover for this shoot. It begins by listing all the props that we may be using, and then has notes on the costumes for each cast member or character. This is followed by a list of scenes and key events which we feel that we need to implement in this shoot. Like for Day 1, this notes page was filled out by me as we progressed through our planning stages for Day 2. The Day 3 shoot will be planned after we finish filming for Day 2, allowing us to entirely concentrate in planning for this shoot as effectively as we can.

Below is a notes page I created to aid with what needed to be included in the shot list and storyboard for Scene 1, of this shoot.

Below this is another notes page, which I created to aid with what needed to be included in the shot list and storyboard for Scene 3, of this shoot. Scene 2 was purely the dance off, making it easier to visualise in our heads, whereas scene 1 and 3 required a lot of thought to them.

Based on the planning that we did for the Day 1 shoot, and the amazing outcome of what we had filmed, I feel that it is still a good idea to plan for one shoot at a time, again through creating detailed shot lists, and storyboards to compliment this, in order to allow for the filming process to be as smooth as it can be. Moreover, we will be able to learn about what went well, and what can be improved for our third shoot. In the first shoot we were able to have a friend, called Rene with us, to aided guard our equipment, and helped us to carry stuff from location to location. He can also help us with this shoot, joined by another person called Jamila. These two people will be our runners for the shoot, and will help us immensely to stay organised, and be aware of our equipment at all times.

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